Rhonda Burns-
"Win In Spite Of

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1+ (707) 899-7200
Winning Isn't
Everything, It's The
Only Thing

W.I.S.E., the acronym for Win in Spite of Everything is the trademarked catch-all that epitomizes this dynamic speaker’s message. She focuses on the purpose and value of embracing rather than avoiding the inevitable adversities of life. As Rhonda’s audiences grasp the secrets of how to win, in spite of everything, consistently, they are revived, inspired and empowered.

"Wisdom Is Better
Than Strength"
"The 7 Habits Of Rich
, Powerful, And Famous
Bible Women," By Rhonda
The author’s concern for women and her confidence in the all powerful Word of God brings a burden removing. yoke destroying effect that captivates the hearts of women. This book should be in every bookstore, library and church. We would all be much further ahead if this tool had been around 50 years ago. You will not want to put this book down. You will be tempted to read or listen to it over and over again. I am richer just by reading it and you will be too.

Brenda K. Goudeaux,
Co Pastor Calvary Christian Center Sacramento, CA
I highly recommend Rhonda Lofton to the nation as a bonafide, committed, enthusiastic and educated Christian woman writer With the right focus of proclaiming truth, as a mother, wife, community activist and woman of the Word, Rhonda is solid in her faith. For you, desiring financial, spiritual and emotional growth, Rhonda has the experience to share biblical principles that will enable you to create and live a financially successful life. Her materials are clear and thorough. A commanding speaker, compassionate toward all ethics, Rhonda’s demeanor is filled with cheer and laughter, thus none should become bored and none should resist the message of hope unveiled through her journal and book, The 7 Habits of Rich, Powerful and Famous Bible Women. This sequel is a grand job, exceptionally well done!

Bishop John and Elect Lady Barbara Vincent Fellowship Church Ministries Tulsa, Oklahoma

"Angels Are Real," By Marsvenus Burns &
Rhonda Burns-Lofton

"Mindsets Determine
Assets, Think BIG!"

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Subscribe And Listen To Rhonda Burns-Lofton On Her YouTube Channel!